
Seven tips for decorating your sacred meditation corner at home!

Seven tips for decorating your sacred meditation corner at home!

1. Crystals are a must 

Crystals have amazing healing properties, that can capture and vibrate sacred spiritual energy. Our ancestors have used the healing powder of crystals for thousands of years. As the world of wellness continues to thrive, so too does interest in this ancient healing technique. There are many different types of healing crystals each with a different, size, energy and healing powers.

2. Fresh herbs carry magic!

I’m obsessed with Rosemary and as it turns out Rosemary’s scent is medicinal, it can help improve memory! Which makes it an ideal natural scent for meditation. But I would encourage you to use the herbal scent that you are most naturally drawn to! You could try Mint, Cilantro, Thyme, or any herbal scent that conjures calm in your mind.

3. Californian white sage cleanses bad vibes away

Burning Californian White Sage or Palo Santo wood sticks is known as the practice of smudging. It is an ancient practice that clears your home of spiritual impurities, lingering bad vibes and any old spirits needing to move on. Plus the smell of burning sage is honestly so calming to me, it makes me instantly relaxed, I have incorporated burning Sage as a daily ritual at the beginning of my meditation practice.

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Here's how you can create a daily meditation practice when you've never meditated before!

Here's how you can create a daily meditation practice when you've never meditated before!

Establishing a daily meditation 🧘‍♀️practice (even if it’s just carving out 5 minutes of your day) can be an amazing life changing event! Personally for me being a busy working Mom, my daily meditation practice gives me the permission to be calm. To have some tranquil ‘me time’. Daily meditation 🧘‍♀️will give you clarity in your mind, peacefulness in your heart ❤️and a genuine sense of feeling more grounded and connected to all the things that matter to you! Mental health matters and it’s time to put your mental and spiritual health front and center!

Establishing a daily meditation 🧘‍♀️practice is easy if you follow our 6 simple tips...

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